
Posts Tagged ‘hiv’

My partner is studying genetics at one of the universities in the Vancouver area. As part of his early studies he is taking a course in data analysis, studying an application that enables scientists to work with metadata – essentially data about data, or looking at how data can be reinterpreted to give additional unexpected results. In one his classes they looked this data chart: http://graphs.gapminder.org/world/, which was created using http://www.r-project.org/

Click on the first link, it is very interactive!

The graphic plots development and life expectancy against time for the world’s nations, and shows how countries have improved life expectancy as they have become richer and more economically developed. The animation also shows the effects of World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and the ravages of AIDS on human development.

One can also track individual nations by selecting particular data points and charting them versus time. In the case of South Africa, the effects of AIDS are shockingly noticeable in the 1990’s, causing a massive decline in standards of living for most South Africans.

Education is the best defence against the progression of AIDS. An educated youth can confront this disease without prejudice, and can adopt safe sex practices without stigmatisms. Investing in projects funded by Education without Borders is a way for you to improve human health in South Africa, and help confront this disease over the long term.

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